【發揮愛心】開學返校/學生用品募捐 Back to School Supply Drive


8/4 發放給本教會小學和幼稚園的孩童。
8/11 發放給本教會小學和幼稚園的孩童;若有剩餘,本教會的成員可以帶給那些有需要的鄰居或學校的孩童。
8/18 若還有剩餘,捐給非營利機構或學校。

Donations Needed: Brand new school supplies (backpacks, notebooks, pencils, erasers, crayons, highlighters, rulers, small pencil sharpeners, glue sticks, file folders/binders, small scissors, pencil cases, ballpoint pens, paper, etc.)
When: from now until July 28 (every Sunday)
Drop-Off Location: Activity Room next to Sanctuary

Release Date and Target:
8/4 Distribute to children in elementary schools and kindergartens of our church.
8/11 Distribute to children in primary schools and kindergartens of our church; if there are any leftovers, church members can give them to children in neighbors or schools in need.
8/18 If there are still leftovers, donate them to non-profit organizations or schools.

Categories: 告示, 社區
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