Church Reopening

Starting from June 20th, there will be no need to register to attend church Sunday meetings, and there is no restriction that only church members can attend. Chinese Sunday worship and Sunday school will still be conducted simultaneously through In-person and online methods until the end of August. Starting from September, we will only keep In-person meetings in the church and no longer use Webex or Zoom for online meetings. However, the church’s Chinese Sunday worship will still be broadcast live on Youtube. Therefore, if you are unable to attend in-person Chinese worship services in the church at that time, you can still use Youtube to watch the church’s Chinese Sunday worship services. In addition, the meeting method in English is basically the same as the meeting method in Chinese, but there is no live broadcast on Youtube.

As for the children’s Sunday worship service, the status quo will be maintained, and the online (Zoom) meeting will be stopped after the beginning of the fall and will be replaced by an in-person meeting. In addition, starting from the third quarter, we will resume the quarterly Chinese and English joint Sunday worship service. As for the method of gathering of the fellowship group, it is up to each fellowship group to decide on its own. Other gatherings not mentioned are currently not planning to reopen in-person gatherings, and will still use online methods to gather.

For the sake of protecting everyone’s health and reducing the anxiety of participants, in the short term we will still require those who attend church meetings to wear masks.

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