Hello, every one of you:

George Bernard Shaw was a renowned British writer and a social activist. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1925. What made him charming was his wisdom and humor. Shaw was an excellent public speaker. From age forty on, he was much sought out by interviewers. However, Shaw was very shy and speechless when he was young.

When he went visiting his friends, he had often to wander back and forth, for more than twenty or thirty minutes, before he could knock at his friend’s door. He frequently left the house without even knocking the friend’s door. Later Shaw thought a way to overcome his shyness; he “went public.” He practiced public speaking in front of live audience. Not only did it overcome his shortcoming but also made him an adorable speaker. Practically, all our shortcomings can be overcome accordingly, if we have the desire and the will to do it. Apostle Paul asserted this for us when he heard God say to him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2Cor. 12:9)

—Chin-Yen Cheng, pastor of SBCGC

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